Products catalog

Return terms


    1. Defects of the sold goods are removed, low-quality goods are exchanged and returned in accordance with the 2001 Government of the Republic of Lithuania. June 11 by order no. 697 "On Approval of Retail Trade Rules" approved by the Retail Trade Rules.

    2. The buyer's wish to replace the purchased quality product with an analogous product or to return the money paid can only be satisfied for products that do not fall under the combined nomenclature of the European Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1006/2011, Chapter XVI "Machines and mechanical devices; electrical equipment; their parts; sound recording and reproducing apparatus, television video and sound recording and reproducing apparatus, parts and accessories of these products" description.

    The list of non-exchangeable and non-returnable goods is provided for in Clause 17 of the Retail Trade Rules and Chapter XVI of the Combined Nomenclature of the European Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1006/2011. The goods specified in these documents can be returned in exceptional cases only with the consent of the seller.

    3. In order to return the goods in the cases specified in point 1 of the Rules of Purchase and Sale, the Buyer must fill out the goods return document in the form established by the Seller, which is sent to the Buyer by e-mail at the Buyer's request. The return document is submitted together with the returned product. When returning the product, it is necessary to present a document confirming its purchase.

    4. The Buyer sends the goods to the Seller for return or exchange due to product defects, or for the elimination of product defects, or for inspection only through courier services to the address specified by the Seller. Sending goods by bus or mail is not considered a proper return of goods and the Seller does not undertake to accept returned goods that were sent in the aforementioned ways.

    5. If it is possible, when returning low-quality and/or defective goods to the Buyer, please return the goods in the original or other neat packaging, so that it is convenient to receive it, as well as return the goods with all the complete parts received by the Buyer.

    6. In the event of a dispute regarding changes in the appearance of the returned item or damage to the item, the Seller may apply to the State Consumer Rights Protection Service and submit the item for examination. The costs of the expertise shall be borne by the guilty party.

    7. The buyer - a natural person (user) has the right, without giving a reason, within 14 (fourteen) days to refuse a remote Purchase - Sale Agreement or a Purchase - Sale Agreement concluded off-premises, with the exception of the exceptions provided for in Article 6.228 (10) Part 2 of the Civil Code. It is possible to cancel the Purchase and Sale Agreement only if the product has not been used, is damaged, has not lost its appearance as a product (labels are intact, protective film has not been torn off, etc., does not apply in the case of returning a low-quality product), the appearance of the product or its packaging has only been changed, which were necessary to inspect the received item. The buyer must exercise this right responsibly and return the product in its original, neat packaging, as well as return all the complete parts of the product. After canceling the Purchase-Sale Agreement, the Buyer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods, which occurred due to actions that are not necessary to determine the nature of the goods, their properties and operation.

    8. The buyer's right to withdraw from the Purchase - Sale Agreement does not apply to the following agreements:

    8.1. for contracts under which the Buyer's express consent and acknowledgment was obtained before the sale of goods, that he will lose the right to withdraw from the Purchase - Sale Agreement when the Seller fully fulfills his contract/obligations;

    8.2. for contracts for goods manufactured according to the Buyer's special instructions, which are not pre-manufactured and which are manufactured taking into account the Buyer's personal choice or instruction, or for goods that are clearly adapted to the Buyer's personal needs;

    8.3. for contracts for perishable goods or goods with a short shelf life; for contracts for packaged goods that have been unpacked after delivery and are unsuitable for return due to health protection or hygiene reasons;

    8.4. for contracts for packaged video or audio or packaged software that has been unpacked after delivery;

    8.5. for contracts for the provision of digital content, if the provision of digital content has been started with the Buyer's prior express consent and acknowledgment that as a result he will lose the right to withdraw from the contract.

    9. The term of withdrawal from the purchase-sale contract expires after 14 (fourteen) days:

    9.1. when the Purchase-Sale Agreement is concluded, - from the day the Buyer or the person indicated by the Buyer receives the ordered goods or: if the Buyer ordered more than one item in one order and the goods are delivered separately, - from the day the Buyer or the person indicated by the Buyer receives the last the product;

    9.2. if the goods are delivered in different batches or parts, - from the day on which the Buyer or a person designated by the Buyer, except for the carrier, receives the last batch or part. 

    10. The goods must be returned no later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the notification of the refusal of the Purchase - Sale Agreement to the Seller. The Buyer is responsible for the proper packaging of the product for return. The buyer bears the direct costs of returning the product.

    11. The Buyer is responsible for proving that he/she has followed the rules regarding the cancellation of a remote Purchase-Sale Agreement or a Purchase-Sale Agreement concluded off-premises.

    12. The money for the product, excluding the amounts paid by the Buyer for delivery, is returned within 14 (fourteen) days after receiving the Buyer's refusal. The money is returned to the buyer by bank transfer, regardless of how he paid for the product.

    Terms of return and exchange of goods for legal entities

    1. High-quality and custom-made goods cannot be returned or exchanged. The right to withdraw from the Purchase - Sale Agreement within 14 (fourteen) days without giving a reason does not apply to legal entities. Defective goods must first of all be presented to the Seller or the Seller's warranty service, and only after it is established that the goods cannot be repaired, they are exchanged for others and/or returned.

    2. The provisions of Articles 6.333 and 6.335 of the Civil Code apply to the quality of goods and the warranty period. Disputes regarding the quality of goods, returns and other conditions of purchase and sale are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the Rules of Purchase and Sale.